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Carbon Monoxide Alarms
A carbon monoxide build up is something that happens when heating appliances aren't burning all of thier fuel properly. This waste gas, as most people already know, can be dangerous and can needlessly shorten lives. While most people are aware that overexposure to carbon monoxide is hazardous, it is not as widely known that over time, low level exposure can be just as life threatening, particularly to the vulnerable such as young children and the elderly as sudden, high levels of exposure can. Carbon monoxide affects your red blood cells' ability to get oxygen to the parts of your body that need it the most by bonding oxygen too tightly to the cells for them to let it go where it is required. Because of this, it is vital for yours and your loved ones' wellbeing that you take all the precaution you can against carbon monoxide poisoning. Prevention, as the old adage goes, is better than cure. 
Symptoms of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning 
* Dizziness and nausea (feeling sick)
* Actually being sick 
* Fatigue and confusion 
* Stomach pains 
* Shortness of breath 
According to the NHS, symptoms can take a little while to develop, and can also cause memory loss and poor co-ordination. All of the symptoms mentioned above can be associated with the common cold or a stomach bug, so it is vital that something that can strike in such a subtle way is avoided before it is too late. 
Click here for the NHS page on carbon monoxide poisoning symptoms 
Where a new or replacement fixed solid fuel appliance is installed in a dwelling, a carbon monoxide alarm should be provided in the room where the appliance is located, which is good common sense. The carbon monoxide alarm should be fixed
a.) To the ceiling at least 300mm from any wall or, if it is placed on a wall, as high up as possible (above any doors or windows), but not within 150mm of the ceiling 
b.) Between 1m and 3m horizontally from the appliance. 
It is also a good idea to get a carbon monoxide alarm installed in every room that the chimney breast runs through. This inludes any loft space. This way, you should be given plenty of warning if the substance is leaking into your home, allowing you time to safely get the problem sorted by calling in your local chimney sweep. 

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